Ah yes, Valentine's Day, and me without a valentine. Actually I am sitting in front of a fire at home with my two beloved boxers, what could be better than that? And an ex-boyfriend stopped by for a while to hang out, chat and check out my new yoga diggs. That's love I suppose; all is right in the world when we can just all get along.
I went to a phase one, raw food preparation class today taught my my new friend Deb Klungle who I met in my Raw Food Teacher Certification Program. It was FABULOUS! It was very informative and her food was delicious! Always nice to have new ideas. I came home and made a chocolate mint shake recipe for dinner (ha-ha) that she had given us a recipe for. Mmmmm, it was the first dessert I have had in weeks.
Tomorrow will be colonic number two and I have to say I am not that excited. I have to go to a dentist appointment right after that too. Wow, I sure know how to live it up on a monday, huh? I'm not so into the whole colonic thing yet, but I will continue to have a few throughout this detox as to accelerate the healing supposedly. It can't really hurt to try, and to tell the truth I think my pooper could use a little spring cleaning (I know, I'm sick. Probably TMI for some of you).
Well from poop to food, let's get down to it; today I had....
not enough H2O
licorice tea
24oz of green juice with zeolites and love minerals (on V~DAY)
Ormus Super Greens n water with 12 cacao beans on the side to crunch on
in class we had....
spicy sunflower seeds by GO RAW
creamy tomato soup
a red pepper pate' wrapped in a collard leaf
a wakame kale salad
and thai kelp noodles
Then i went home and had....
a super yummy chocolate mint shake with maca and zeolites added
post some pics of the yoga studio!!!!