Friday, February 19, 2010

Colonics, Cashews and Cacao, OH MY!-Day 17, 18 and 19

It's been three days since my last post because I have been avoiding it like the plague. But than god I am blogging and told EVERYONE that I am detoxing because I would be "off the wagon for sure. Three months is certainly a HUGE undertaking. I have had cravings galore, O.D. on cacao and cashews, but actually have not cheated once according to detox "rules". So I guess that is something to be proud of. As my friend Jill from work so said it today, "if you can do three months, you can do anything!". Thanks for that Jill, I hope you are right and it will definitely help keep me in this.
As I mentioned, I over did it on cacao the other day. I guess there is such thing as too much (sorry David Wolfe, love you, but there is. Or could I have considered that crappy feeling a spiritual experience?). So, the next day I O.D. on cashews. Told you I had an addiction problem, HA! I really just think that I'm at a plateau. adjusting to a different way of life, eating, a new heightened awareness, and there is no where to run. Neither the cacao or cashews really mad me feel any better. They actually made me feel WORSE. But I am very committed to feeling better, so I will stick with the plan! I will eat more greens, minerals, superfoods and drink more water. one thing I will not be doing any time soon though is having another colonic.
Toward the end of this detox I will be juice fasting anywhere from 7 to 14 days. I have decided to put the colonics on hold till then. Part of fasting is not pooping so you have to do daily enemas anyway. So I will save Kristine the headache of my resistant bowels (HA) until then.
Here is to being empowered for better health from this day foreward. First a quote: "If you don't quit, and you don't cheat, and you don't run home when trouble arrives, you can only win." ~ Shelly Long
Day 17
D3 and B12
15 drops zeolites
green juice
chocolate chia porridge
raw chocolate mousse
BIG salad with spirulina crunchies
2 TB raw almond butter

Day 18
B12 and D3
green juice
VIVAPURA coconut creme (OMG, heavenly!!!) with bee pollen
a few pieces of eggplant calamari style (recipe didn't work out) :(
thai kelp noodles (sauce contains a cup of cashews)
a few olives
a cashew vanilla shake ( TWO FULL CUPS OF CASHEWS IN ONE DAY!)
Day 19
32 oz green juice
B12 and D3
Big salad (very simple; lettuce, tomato, and red onion with flax oil and lemon, salt and pepper)
chocolate hemp milk with maca, vanilla and coconut oil
8 chlorella tabs
a few almonds
:) :) :) LOVE

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