Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Colonic #2-Day 15 and 16

Well, I got my second colonic and it wasn't any more pleasant than the first. I'm thinking that it just isn't for me. I'm going to give it one more try just to be sure though. Kristine has one more trick up her sleeve to try and make the experience a little more pleasant and/or successful. Honestly, I've never really had huge issues in the elimination arena; I'm just doing this because it is recommended for more detoxing effects. You get my drift, I'm not a huge fan.
Anyhoo, I've noticed that I was all of a sudden more hungry the past few days, craving sweets. I realized that I haven't been keeping up with my chlorella tabs, or spirulina for that matter. I'm definitely going to be more diligent about consuming more of these micro algae because I think they were helping me to just plain feel better over all! I was just reading up on chlorella in particular an all of its beneficial properties. It contains at least TWICE as much protein (amino acids) as all meat products (spirulina has even more). It is extremely detoxifying, and contains enzymes to help with the digestion of food. There are a whole lot more benefits too! And they are so easy to take in, you can't really get too much. Marine phytoplankton also fits into this category, which I have been taking in the morning. Minerals, minerals, minerals, can't get enough of them. They are the building blocks of LIFE! That's sort of the bottom line of this particular detox, bad guys out, good guys in.
day 15 I had
silica with marine phytoplankton
D3 and B12
lots of H20 (reverse osmosis with MSM powder and celtic sea salt added)
Ormus Super Green powder added to water
a handful of cacao beans
brazil nut milk shake with maca (I seem to be really into maca lately), and spirulina powder added
wakame kale salad YUM!!!
spicy tomato soup
and a vanilla almond shake (this was a little over the top I must admit)

Day 16
silica, marine phytoplankton
D3 and B12
loaded H2o with zeolites too
Ormus Green powder and probiotics in water
cacao beans
32 oz green juice containing zeolites and love minerals
10 chlorella tabs
red pepper pate on romaine lettuce
cashew, almond, vanilla shake with maca powder
a mix of the wakame salad. tomato soup and red pepper pate' ( it made a sort of mushy, yummy salad thingy)

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