Being sober has been quite a trip. And by sober I mean free of any food or drink that may cover or intensify my emotions (with the exception of cacao, which makes me feel slightly more alert and happy). I have been consciously and purposefully taking on an emotional detox of sorts for years now. But like most of us have used food to run away or dull feelings that I did not want to deal with because they were so painful. I still have my methods of escape once in while but for the most part I just feel so much more stable emotionally eating this way. Not as much up and down.
I'm not so focused on where my next fix will come from. I am not even so focused on where my next meal will come from either.
When I was taught about this detox I was told that I would lose my appetite. the first time I went through it that did not happen. It certainly is now. I feel like eating is more an annoyance than anything. I am hoping that will change as the months go on because I know I could be doing better with getting more nutrition. I starting to see why three months on this detox is so important for maximum healing. It is going to take me the whole first month to adjust to this way of being emotionally, then i can focus even more on nutritional healing. COOLIO!
None of this experience has been a drag for me at all, what so ever! I have just been doing things in a whole new way, which to me is fascinating. Blogging is new and fun. I am finally practicing yoga again (in my new garage studio), I am learning more about computer stuff. I actually went to a bar and a party this week WITHOUT drinking!!! So my social life is not suffering at all.
Change is the only thing we can ever really count on, so why not make it fun.
Here is what I have been eating the last few days.
Day 11
lots of H2O with msm, and celtic sea salt
silica with marine phytoplankton
D3 and B12
Ormus Super Greens with cacao beans
green juice with zeolites and love minerals
almond milk with vanilla powder, maca, coconut oil, bee pollen, and cinnamon
avocado soup with enzymes
a handful of really raw cashews
a tablespoon of almond butter (not recommended on this detox, it was from a jar) :(
Day 12
64oz loaded H2O
silica with marine phytoplankton
D3, B12
really raw cashew milk with maca and cinnamon
cacao beans (these are strictly for pleasure, although they are packed with magnesium)
avocado fries with raw ketchup and mayo
a small simple salad
Day 13
64oz loaded H2O
silica with marine phytoplankton
B12, D3
320z green juice with zeolites and love minerals
really raw cashew milk with coconut oil, vanilla powder, maca, cinnamon, cardamon, and zeolites
Ormus Super Greens
cacao beans
avacado fries and olives (I know, weird) with raw ketchup and mayo