Friday, February 26, 2010

So Sad-Day 25 and 26

I really don't think it has anything to do with the detox, but I feel VERY sad today. I just drank a huge glass of almond flavored cashew milk in hopes that it would make me feel tired so I can just sleep my worries away. It is right before my period and apparently p.m.s. has not gone away.

Day 25
Silica with marine phytoplankton
B12 and D3
2 mugs of tea with coconut milk (my new combo obsession)
32oz green juice with zeolites and MSM powder
kale wakame salad
hemp milk with Sun Is Shining powder and cacao powder
raw tacos on romaine leaves

Silica and marine phytoplankton
tea with coconut milk
Ormus Super Greens powder in water
10 cacao beans
green juice
raw tacos
spirulina chia porridge
peppermint YOGI tea with coconut milk (mmmm, tastes like a peppermint patty)
a HUGE glass of almond flavored cashew milk

May you be happy and blessed with

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Strange Sensations-Day 23 and 24

The world seems like a different place, and it hasn't even been one whole month yet. I've heard it said, "Raw food will not change your life; but, your life will change on raw foods." This statement exemplifies the feeling that I am trying to portray here. Things are just different, there isn't really any other way to explain it. I don't drink, I don't eat sugar, I really don't overindulge anything in comparison to how I have in the past. Sure I have cravings and fears and laughs (actually more laughs). But everything is just so much more even-keel. I guess that is a good description, even-keeled. Less drama, more hope, more creativity. Maybe this sounds hokey but it's what I've got for ya.
I haven't necessarily lost a significant amount of weight or anything but I have been getting some interesting comments from people who haven't seen me for a while (all good, ha). Most of them just stare at me and say something like "Wow, you look really different." (in a good way) or "you look great." I am not sharing this to brag about my self, but to give a small example of what this detox can accomplish in such a short period of time. Imagine two months from now. And imagine what is going on in my insides.
The down side is that there are certain people that I seem to have trouble connecting with that a short time ago I was very close to on a regular basis. My life style and focus has changed qiute a bit (hopefully for the better) so I try not to let it get me down too much even though i might miss them. Can't blame them if they don't get it or are not interested.
I did have I very strange sensation today. Let me say first that I seem to be requiring much less sleep, which I love. And I haven't been tired throughout the day. Until today. I drank a nut milk smoothie at work then went home rather early to get some things accomplished there. When I got home, I sat down at my desk and the most overwhelmingly feeling of sickness and lethargy came over me. It was BIZZZARRRO. I laid down for a while and it went away thank god.

Day 23
B12 and D3
Ormus greens and cacao beans
green juice
tea with coconut milk
Garam Masala Gobi
10 chlorella tabs
salad with creamy avocado/citrus dressing
chocolate mint nut milk shake

Day 24
B12 and D3
two separate mugs of tea with coconut milk
Ormus Greens and cacao beans
brazil nut milk smoothy with greens powder and maca added
a salad with spirulina added

Monday, February 22, 2010

Snow Day-Day 20, 21 & 22

my apologies to anyone keeping up with my posts, sorry I have been absent for a few days.
As I have mentioned before, 30 days on this detox is very very helpful but 90 is really optimal. It is taking me the full 30 just to adjust to the life style change again. I am excited to really buckle down even more so for the next three months and see what is possible.
I have been testing my saliva now and again and I am still too acidic. It is around 6.2 (should be between 6.4 and 6.8) This means that I need a lot more alkaline food in my daily diet. Probably some nicer thoughts and less stress wouldn't hurt either. I am also starting to get more exercise which also can't hurt. And I still need to back way up on the nuts!!!!
Today I was snowed in for most of the day so I prepared some new recipes. I also ate a lot, but I had to shovel at least 8 inches of snow which hopefully made up for it.
I prepared some "garlic bread" (made with thinly sliced jicama) the night before and ate the WHOLE recipe for breakfast. It was SOOOO good. I still reek. I currently have some eggplant "croutons" in the dehydrator along with some crispy coated zucchini chips and "refried
bean". Earlier I made an indian dish called Garam Masala Gobi, the recipe is from a Gabriel Cousens book and I tweaked it a little. I ate a lot of that too.
I want to start pulling together some great phase 1 recipes and start to share them somehow. HMMMM? Maybe a future recipe book adventure.
Keep in mind that I think I am currently (hasn't gone away yet)
Day 20
B12, D3
tea with coconut milk
Green juice
2 nori rolls with an almond/sunflower pate inside
same pate on romaine leaves with raw sauerkraut added
chocolate, pistachio, avocado pudding
chia porridge
cacao beans
Ormus Super Greens
8 chlorella tabs
digestive enzymes
(guess I was hungry)

Day 21
B12, D3
tea with coconut milk
more pudding
cacao beans
Ormus Super Greens
3 pate nori rolls
handful pistachios
more tea
a fews mac nuts
a few olives
16 chlorella tabs
salad with radishes and delicious creamy citrus dressing (recipe from RAW FOOD REAL WORLD, minus the orange juice)
digestive enzymes

Day 22
silica with marine phytoplankton
B12, D3 (about 5000 units)
tea with coconut milk
cacao beans
green juice
garlicky jicama (lots)
digestive enzymes
15 drops zeolites
8 chlorella tabs
2 cups of garam masala gobi with cauliflower, bok choy, and spinach
more tea

Thanks for listening, LOVE LOVE LOVE, enjoy

Friday, February 19, 2010

Colonics, Cashews and Cacao, OH MY!-Day 17, 18 and 19

It's been three days since my last post because I have been avoiding it like the plague. But than god I am blogging and told EVERYONE that I am detoxing because I would be "off the wagon for sure. Three months is certainly a HUGE undertaking. I have had cravings galore, O.D. on cacao and cashews, but actually have not cheated once according to detox "rules". So I guess that is something to be proud of. As my friend Jill from work so said it today, "if you can do three months, you can do anything!". Thanks for that Jill, I hope you are right and it will definitely help keep me in this.
As I mentioned, I over did it on cacao the other day. I guess there is such thing as too much (sorry David Wolfe, love you, but there is. Or could I have considered that crappy feeling a spiritual experience?). So, the next day I O.D. on cashews. Told you I had an addiction problem, HA! I really just think that I'm at a plateau. adjusting to a different way of life, eating, a new heightened awareness, and there is no where to run. Neither the cacao or cashews really mad me feel any better. They actually made me feel WORSE. But I am very committed to feeling better, so I will stick with the plan! I will eat more greens, minerals, superfoods and drink more water. one thing I will not be doing any time soon though is having another colonic.
Toward the end of this detox I will be juice fasting anywhere from 7 to 14 days. I have decided to put the colonics on hold till then. Part of fasting is not pooping so you have to do daily enemas anyway. So I will save Kristine the headache of my resistant bowels (HA) until then.
Here is to being empowered for better health from this day foreward. First a quote: "If you don't quit, and you don't cheat, and you don't run home when trouble arrives, you can only win." ~ Shelly Long
Day 17
D3 and B12
15 drops zeolites
green juice
chocolate chia porridge
raw chocolate mousse
BIG salad with spirulina crunchies
2 TB raw almond butter

Day 18
B12 and D3
green juice
VIVAPURA coconut creme (OMG, heavenly!!!) with bee pollen
a few pieces of eggplant calamari style (recipe didn't work out) :(
thai kelp noodles (sauce contains a cup of cashews)
a few olives
a cashew vanilla shake ( TWO FULL CUPS OF CASHEWS IN ONE DAY!)
Day 19
32 oz green juice
B12 and D3
Big salad (very simple; lettuce, tomato, and red onion with flax oil and lemon, salt and pepper)
chocolate hemp milk with maca, vanilla and coconut oil
8 chlorella tabs
a few almonds
:) :) :) LOVE

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Colonic #2-Day 15 and 16

Well, I got my second colonic and it wasn't any more pleasant than the first. I'm thinking that it just isn't for me. I'm going to give it one more try just to be sure though. Kristine has one more trick up her sleeve to try and make the experience a little more pleasant and/or successful. Honestly, I've never really had huge issues in the elimination arena; I'm just doing this because it is recommended for more detoxing effects. You get my drift, I'm not a huge fan.
Anyhoo, I've noticed that I was all of a sudden more hungry the past few days, craving sweets. I realized that I haven't been keeping up with my chlorella tabs, or spirulina for that matter. I'm definitely going to be more diligent about consuming more of these micro algae because I think they were helping me to just plain feel better over all! I was just reading up on chlorella in particular an all of its beneficial properties. It contains at least TWICE as much protein (amino acids) as all meat products (spirulina has even more). It is extremely detoxifying, and contains enzymes to help with the digestion of food. There are a whole lot more benefits too! And they are so easy to take in, you can't really get too much. Marine phytoplankton also fits into this category, which I have been taking in the morning. Minerals, minerals, minerals, can't get enough of them. They are the building blocks of LIFE! That's sort of the bottom line of this particular detox, bad guys out, good guys in.
day 15 I had
silica with marine phytoplankton
D3 and B12
lots of H20 (reverse osmosis with MSM powder and celtic sea salt added)
Ormus Super Green powder added to water
a handful of cacao beans
brazil nut milk shake with maca (I seem to be really into maca lately), and spirulina powder added
wakame kale salad YUM!!!
spicy tomato soup
and a vanilla almond shake (this was a little over the top I must admit)

Day 16
silica, marine phytoplankton
D3 and B12
loaded H2o with zeolites too
Ormus Green powder and probiotics in water
cacao beans
32 oz green juice containing zeolites and love minerals
10 chlorella tabs
red pepper pate on romaine lettuce
cashew, almond, vanilla shake with maca powder
a mix of the wakame salad. tomato soup and red pepper pate' ( it made a sort of mushy, yummy salad thingy)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day-Day 14!

Ah yes, Valentine's Day, and me without a valentine. Actually I am sitting in front of a fire at home with my two beloved boxers, what could be better than that? And an ex-boyfriend stopped by for a while to hang out, chat and check out my new yoga diggs. That's love I suppose; all is right in the world when we can just all get along.
I went to a phase one, raw food preparation class today taught my my new friend Deb Klungle who I met in my Raw Food Teacher Certification Program. It was FABULOUS! It was very informative and her food was delicious! Always nice to have new ideas. I came home and made a chocolate mint shake recipe for dinner (ha-ha) that she had given us a recipe for. Mmmmm, it was the first dessert I have had in weeks.
Tomorrow will be colonic number two and I have to say I am not that excited. I have to go to a dentist appointment right after that too. Wow, I sure know how to live it up on a monday, huh? I'm not so into the whole colonic thing yet, but I will continue to have a few throughout this detox as to accelerate the healing supposedly. It can't really hurt to try, and to tell the truth I think my pooper could use a little spring cleaning (I know, I'm sick. Probably TMI for some of you).
Well from poop to food, let's get down to it; today I had....
not enough H2O
licorice tea
24oz of green juice with zeolites and love minerals (on V~DAY)
Ormus Super Greens n water with 12 cacao beans on the side to crunch on
in class we had....
spicy sunflower seeds by GO RAW
creamy tomato soup
a red pepper pate' wrapped in a collard leaf
a wakame kale salad
and thai kelp noodles
Then i went home and had....
a super yummy chocolate mint shake with maca and zeolites added

Emotional detox-Day 11,12, and 13

Being sober has been quite a trip. And by sober I mean free of any food or drink that may cover or intensify my emotions (with the exception of cacao, which makes me feel slightly more alert and happy). I have been consciously and purposefully taking on an emotional detox of sorts for years now. But like most of us have used food to run away or dull feelings that I did not want to deal with because they were so painful. I still have my methods of escape once in while but for the most part I just feel so much more stable emotionally eating this way. Not as much up and down.
I'm not so focused on where my next fix will come from. I am not even so focused on where my next meal will come from either.
When I was taught about this detox I was told that I would lose my appetite. the first time I went through it that did not happen. It certainly is now. I feel like eating is more an annoyance than anything. I am hoping that will change as the months go on because I know I could be doing better with getting more nutrition. I starting to see why three months on this detox is so important for maximum healing. It is going to take me the whole first month to adjust to this way of being emotionally, then i can focus even more on nutritional healing. COOLIO!
None of this experience has been a drag for me at all, what so ever! I have just been doing things in a whole new way, which to me is fascinating. Blogging is new and fun. I am finally practicing yoga again (in my new garage studio), I am learning more about computer stuff. I actually went to a bar and a party this week WITHOUT drinking!!! So my social life is not suffering at all.
Change is the only thing we can ever really count on, so why not make it fun.
Here is what I have been eating the last few days.
Day 11
lots of H2O with msm, and celtic sea salt
silica with marine phytoplankton
D3 and B12
Ormus Super Greens with cacao beans
green juice with zeolites and love minerals
almond milk with vanilla powder, maca, coconut oil, bee pollen, and cinnamon
avocado soup with enzymes
a handful of really raw cashews
a tablespoon of almond butter (not recommended on this detox, it was from a jar) :(

Day 12
64oz loaded H2O
silica with marine phytoplankton
D3, B12
really raw cashew milk with maca and cinnamon
cacao beans (these are strictly for pleasure, although they are packed with magnesium)
avocado fries with raw ketchup and mayo
a small simple salad

Day 13
64oz loaded H2O
silica with marine phytoplankton
B12, D3
320z green juice with zeolites and love minerals
really raw cashew milk with coconut oil, vanilla powder, maca, cinnamon, cardamon, and zeolites
Ormus Super Greens
cacao beans
avacado fries and olives (I know, weird) with raw ketchup and mayo

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Not hungry? Day 10

Unbelievable, even to me, but I have really not been hungry. And as I have shared, I have always had addictions, and cravings galore; I am a very emotional eater. (and a very emotional person) Of course HAVE been shopping more, HA, probably just because I lost a couple of LBS. But seriously, I was told previously that my hunger may cease while doing this detox. Well, IT HAS. How cool. Probably from lack of sugar, that stuff is evil!
I think I ate mostly liquids today. Cool, almost fasting (which I plan to end this detox with)
640z loaded H2O
silica with marine phytoplankton
D3, B12
Ormus super greens in water
with 12 cacao beans
souped up almond milk with maca, bee pollen, vanilla powder, coconut oil and cinnamon
Avocado soup (DELICIOUS!) with a chopped roma tomato and sunflower sprouts
a handful of really raw cashews

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A typical detox diet? Day-9

I don't know how many of you are following my journey that have no prior experience with this type of detox diet. But it struck me that I should probably share with you that my eating habits are not necessarily the best and this is not necessarily a typical menu plan. If you were at The Tree in Arizona going through this I am sure that what you would be eating daily would look MUCH different! I am simply in a hurry a lot, and get stuck in a rut sometimes. Trust me I could be way more creative, and a few more things that I should be adding to my daily routine. My goal here is simply to share MY journey. And possibly in the future help others along theirs.
I think since I started popping so many chlorella tabs and using spirulina crunchies on my salads It is helping me stave off cravings. YAY for plant based proteins!
What I ate on day 9
silica with marine phytoplankton , D3, and B12
NOT enough H2O
Ormus Super Greens in water
with 10 cacao beans (addicted to the high)
16oz green juice with 5 drops zeolites and 3 drops love minerals
3 CUPS! hemp milk containing medicinal mushrooms, bee pollen, coconut oil, and cacao powder (more of the raw crack, ha)
8 chlorella tabs
16oz more green juice (same as the first)
with 6 more cacao beans
a simple salad with mixed lettuces, tomato, OLIVES, red onion, spirulina crunchies, olive oil, and lemon juice :)
I plan on adding more probiotics and digestive enzymes!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Let's talk about poop-Day 8

So I got my colonic yesterday. Holy poop! I have had them before but this was a different system and a different person. Loved her; the experience was interesting. I was not prepared at all, thank god I'm not shy. I also have to say that I have not been going to the bathroom as much as I should or as I would like. So it was great to get things going. And Kristine (my colon hydrotherapist) was very excited about how much was coming out. She definitely made me feel comfortable about being in such a compromising position. The rest of the day was interesting. At first I felt SO much lighter. Later I was really exhausted. I've decided that I will have a series of Four more once a week. Keep you updated on my progress.
I ate kind of strange today. Between the colonic in the morning, then I went to a hair show in the evening. My day was all screwed up. Anyway, here it is.
70oz H2O with MSM, and celtic sea salt
Silica with marine phytoplankton
16oz green juice with zeolites and love minerals
10 cacao beans
buckwheat crunchies with pumpkin milk, coconut shreds, and cinnamon
8 chlorella tabs
Ormus super greens in water
6 more cacao beans
spicy flavor flax crackers
10 more chlorella tabs
15 olives
pumpkin milk with enzymes

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lovin' this-Day 7

Today has been smooth sailing so far. I haven't been crazy hungry. In fact I am really enjoying the very sober feeling that I am experiencing. I am getting a lot more accomplished than usual. Actually I am feeling quite productive, which is very much not like me. Just ran around today. Went to Zerbo's for the first time. Why haven't I gone there sooner? It is like raw food lovers heaven. Most of the crap I thought I had to buy on line, they have it!
All is well except for the poop factor. I'm a little concerned about the lack of it I mean. But I am going to get a colonic tomorrow, let's see if it gets things movin'. And I definitely need to start eating more fiber. MORE VEGGIES!!! But I have lost some weight (why does that always make everything better?). Fill you in on the colonic tomorrow.
Todays feast was
64oz H20, loaded with MSM and celtic sea salt
silica, B12, D3
16oz green juice with love minerals and zeolites
14 cacao beans
chia porridge made with pecan/almond milk, bee pollen, pumpkin pie spice, extra cinnamon, orange zest and enzyme powder added
pizza flavored and spicy flavored flax crackers made by Go Raw
10 chlorella tabs, shared 2 with the pups
Ormus Super Greens in water with 6 more cacao beans
a small simple salad with olives, grape tomatoes, red onion and Spirulina Crunchies

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cacao WOW!-Day 6

I happen to be a complete lover of a good buzz. Some people may even call me an addict. As I have already previously shared, I will not not be drinking coffee or alcohol for the next three months (or maybe ever again; who knows). But this morning I remembered that cacao beans are ok to eat on this detox, so I ate some with my green juice this morning. WOW! Between the fresh vitamin packed green juice, 5 days of eating pure food and the cacao beans, I WAS FLYING HIGH. But with no crash and burn later in the day. Great, now I have a raw food addiction.
I feel like my food intake has been pretty monotonous, but I've been busy and feeling pretty good on what I am eating. I'll have to amp it up and make some interesting goodies tomorrow. I'll take pictures and share.
My friend Jeff Newsom who also has a blog came over tonight and showed me the tricks of the trade for blogging. Check out his blog. Thanks Jeff!
Todays yummies were
50oz loaded pure H20 (containing MSM and celtic sea salt)
Silica, B12, D3
32oz green juice containing 10 drops zeolites and 3 drops love minerals
12 cacao beans!!!!!!!!!!!!
really raw cashew milk w/orange zest, maca, vanilla powder and coconut oil
5 chlorella tabs
the same style of huge delicious I have been eating everyday for the past 2 weeks :)
6 more chlorella tabs
I've really had a lot of energy today, hope I can sleep tonight. And hope it continues!
Thanks, love love love

Friday, February 5, 2010

What the heck?-Day 5

I woke up today with the strangest feeling of having fluid in my ears. This has never actually happened to me, I'm wondering if it is a sinus thing. Of course I'm hoping it is just a detox symptom. Ha, I love detox/fasting, every little thing that happens is like, "oh, is that a detox symptom?" Hilarious! Right now I am sporting a headache that I have had for a couple of hours. Not like me either. Weee, this is so much fun! Actually my energy level has been decent.
I can't say that I have eaten so great today. A big part of the purpose for eating raw (at least from my perspective) is to give your body as many nutrients as possible so it can heal instead of break down. Especially during a detox, that is the whole point, HEALING! Well I can't say that I have fulfilled that mission today. Girls at work tease me when I complain about this because they see what i am eating and assume that I just have to be the healthiest person on earth. Well, what they don't see is all the crap I used to eat and drink after work. Speaking of which, I had the HUGEST craving for a drink after work. I didn't have one, but man was I close.
Let's get down to what i did eat
42oz. loaded H20 (still working on more)
green juice containing zeolites and love minerals
pumpkin seed, chia milk with maca and bee pollen (not good)
6 chlorella tabs
thai kelp noodles ( will share the recipe when I get it right)
a cup of peach detox yogi tea
6 more chlorella tabs
about 10 delicious sundried botija olives

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Smooth Sailing-Day 4

Today started off a little hectic. I met with my friend Andrea McNinch . She was very helpful in steering me toward a better way to feed my own body. We figured out that I am a fast oxidizer, which basically means that I will have more energy and feel more balanced if I have more protein. So, more chlorella tabs and spirulina here I come! Happily too, Vivapura makes these really cool Spirulina Crunchies that are really fun to eat. That is if your into that sort of thing.
I tend to eat too much fat when I eat raw. Actually, when I'm not detoxing I eat a lot of fat and sugar together. Which is what I crave no matter how I'm eating. Andrea suggested that I make sure to eat something with high protein (chlorella, spirulina) along with the fats. And since I'm not having sugar, well, it's not currently a problem.
I have had some night cravings for the past couple of days, which is normal for me. I think I ate some nuts last night after posting, but for the life of me I can't remember it clearly. I felt stressed, and i am a total emotional eater.
Planning on posting some pictures and maybe a recipe soon next week......stay tuned, and please message me with any questions or requests.
today I ate
64 oz. loaded pure water
16oz. green juice (planning on increasing this amount) containing liquid zeolites and love minerals
lg mug of tea (not sure what kind)
chia porridge same as yesterday
10 chlorella tabs
b12 and d3
a HUGE salad packed with goodness and lemon, olive oil dressing
lemon ginger Yogi Tea
A large handful of macadamia nuts with dried coconut flakes and 5 chlorella tabs

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Feelin' Funky-Day 3

I woke up this morning feeling really strange, I kept getting light headed and a little sick to my stomach. I drank a green juice and felt better. Then I felt great all day until i got home; I was soooooo tired for no apparent reason. Hmmmm? Detox heaven.
Oh yeah, I made an appointment to get a colonic on Monday. YIPPEE. More on that later.
Today I ate
64 oz. water loaded as usual
chia porridge made with vanilla pumpkin seed milk and bee pollen on top
18 oz. green juice
and fabulous raw chili with raw sour cream. I ate the whole recipe; about 3 cups!!!!!!!!! YUM
Maybe I was so tired from all of that chili?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Here it is the end of day two and honestly I could care less about what I'm eating or not eating. I started this blog project because I knew It would keep the adventure of detoxing more exciting. Well, now it seems that I am feeling the pressure of learning the ropes so I can make this thing fun and interesting. I guess it is a very welcome distraction though because the food can be really boring. And on that note I need to start planning some of my meals, get some stuff going in the dehydrator, etc. Along with a full time job and other projects I have going on (I just got done putting a yoga room in my house, YIPPEE)
A couple more things have also just been brought to my attention to consider when detoxing. I have to figure out my body constitution and how it is that I oxidize food. Thursday I will meet with Andrea McNinch (who I have previously mentioned) to help me get this all straight. There is another very important element which is, to have a live blood analysis done under a dark field microscope. It's super cool! You get to see the quality of your cells LIVE right in front of your eyes on a television screen. Since I have already done this detox once before back in the fall (for 30 days) I will skip the first blood check. Last time I was pretty full of candida before I started the detox and only moderately better after one month. That's another really good reason why I am taking on the full 90 days. I know that I am still full of those little critters because I drank and ate myself through the holidays :P So I will go back after this is over. Can't wait to see my squeaky clean cells.
The weird thing is I haven't even craved coffee or alcohol yet at all! And those are my two favorite offenders (I know, pathetic) (trust me, it used to be pasta or dessert). I think I am just totally in the zone, YES!!!
I have not yet taken any pictures of my beautiful food, so visualize as I share with you what I ate today.
64oz. of purified H20 with MSM, celtic sea salt, and love minerals
B12 and D3
5 chlorella tabs (my dogs each had one too)
chia porridge (same as yesterday)
Ormus Super Greens in water
a large mug of peach detox Yogi Tea
16oz. green juice
Big salad containing 2+cups greens, my favorite raw olives from Vivapura, tomato, sundried tomato, red pepper, dulse, and red onion all mixed with lemon olive oil salt and pepper, SUPER YUMMY!
See ya tomorrow, thanks for joining. LOVE LOVE LOVE

Monday, February 1, 2010

Let me introduce myself-Day1

Hello, my name is Dawn and i am a total crap food addict! Oh yeah, I also love coffee, vodka, and sake'. I like to have fun; what can I say? Ha! But I started a journey to health about 10 years ago because honestly, all that stuff makes me feel less than happy and gorgeous. And I like to feel happy and gorgeous way more than I like to eat crap. So when I discovered the concept of eating beautiful raw foods it was love at first sight! I wish I could say that we lived happily ever after but alas, old habits die very hard!!! Oh, it has definitely been somewhat of a bumpy road but our love affair still lives on.
I actually love to detox and fast. When I am in the right frame of mind that is. I love the challenge, love the feeling of empowerment it brings with it. I love getting to know my body, and getting to know myself. And there is nothing quiet like the clarity and the feeling of having a fresh start when they are over. One must go into these things more focused on the exciting possibilities that they bring rather than the lack of what we are used to. For ultimate success I recommend making something exciting out of the experience. That's why I am creating this blog.
I would be ever so grateful if you will please excuse my lack of content thus far in this blog. I promise it will get much more interesting to look at as I learn the ropes. I literally just learned how to place a link in text today (I swear). Maybe tomorrow I will even have pictures for you. yippie! All is coming~K. Pattabhi Jois
Ok, let me get down to the nitty gritty of the day. Here is what I consumed:
B12 and D3 supplements
About 40 oz. of water containing MSM powder, celtic sea salt and love minerals. ( not enough H20 by far!)
2 cups peach detox Yogi tea
chia porridge made with chocolate hemp milk
20oz. green juice
and a giant green salad containing tons of raw deliciousness
I hope you are enjoying yourself so far, I know i am!
