Monday, March 1, 2010

Sorry Boys-Day 27, 28, 29

I wanted to apoligize ahead of time just in case there are any guys reading my posts. The first subject matter that I need to vent about is my period. To the best of my knowledge Periods are supposed to get lighter and less uncomfortable after some time of being raw. Apparently I have never been raw long enough to experience this seemingly glorious side effect. I am having a very heavy flow (as usual) and actually took Motrin for the pain (although not as much needed). Hoping things will lighten up a bit in the next couple of months.
As for what else is going on, I am actually pretty excited for the next couple of months. I haven't had one sip of alcohol or one grain of sugar or one sliver of fruit for 29 days. I had fully planned on drinking after all is said and done but or the past week have been asking myself the question, "why would I need to drink? I feel so much better". So maybe I won't, only time will tell.
Being truly sober and actually dealing with my life on a whole different level is pretty exciting in of itself too. As previously mentioned, things are changing, and hopefully for the better. But it seems that not everyone in my life is o.k. with that. I guess I can't blame them, it sucks sometimes when it's someone else changing your program. It sucks when you lose a friend (or so it seems) because they change or move on or make different choices. I am really seeing who my true friends are and why we are still so close after all these years. It also has allowed me to learn who I truly am and where I want to be. WHEW, who ever thought that FOOD could make such a DIFFERENCE in a life EXPERIENCE. It really does if your paying ATTENTION!!!
In honor of one of my oldest and dearest friends, Juliana, I am posting the recipe for Avocado soup. Juliana is not a raw food enthusiast by any stretch of the imagination. Her favorite food is BACON, ha. But the girl knows about yummy food and wanted this recipe. So here it is.

Avocado Soup
2 cups chopped cucumber with skin and seeds
3 medium ripe avocado, pitted and peeled
4 cups water
1 small shallot, peeled and chopped
2 large celery stalks, roughly chopped
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon orange zest
1 large handful cilantro leaves
1 tablespoon sea salt, plus more to taste
Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender until smooth. Thin enough to coat the back of a spoon but not hold its shape in a bowl. Add more water or salt as needed. ENJOY!

Day 27
silica and marine phytoplankton
D3 and B12
chia spirulina porridge
kale wakame salad
digestive enzymes
a handful of cashews
a few mac nuts
a few olives

silica and marine phytoplankton
Ormus Super Greens in water
cacao beans
chocolate mint "milk shake" with maca added (YUCK)
tea with coconut milk
green juice with zeolites and love minerals
digestive enzymes
a late night creation of guacamole, seed cheese and tomatoes on romaine leaves

Day 29
silica and marine phytoplankton
tea with coconut milk
Ormus Super greens
cacao beans
"fried" zucchini dipped in guacamole and seed cheese
digestive enzymes
green juice

Anyone out there? I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear from you!


  1. Hey love!! GREAT blog. As for your period, angstrom magnesium and pomegranate juice. STEP AWAY from THE MOTRIN BOTTLE!! :) I know the pomegranate is not phase 1, but it's phase 1.5 and is a billion times better than the Motrin.

  2. Case you're wondering: The mag helps with cramps and the pomegranate will slow/stop heavy menstrual bleeding.

