Seriously, has been 7 days since I have posted? My apologize, I just didn't want to keep repeating myself about how much I wanted to have a drink or coffee. I would have thought that the urge would have gone away by now!!! Any way, enough of that boring dribble, on to more interesting and important matters.
I have been hearing a lot of really bad things about crack-cao/cacao this week for some reason. I've heard some of this in the past but it seems to be more in my focus recently. Cacao is labeled a "super food" by some people. A super food is just a food that contains an extraordinary amount of nutrients. Most of these foods that I am referring to are sold and consumed in some kind of powder or liquid form. They come from all over the world, mostly from what we consider ancient societies. So they have stood the test of time. Examples are: maca, cacao, spirulina, goji berries, etc. David Wolfe wrote a great book called Superfoods, all on this subject. Of course he also REALLY pushes cacao.
Besides all of the wonderful life giving nutrients that cacao contains and delivers, it is still a stimulant. And when we ingest stimulants our body reacts to them as invaders trying to rid itself of a toxin. Our immune system kicks in, our white blood cells increase and the liver release glucose into the blood stream(not good if you already have an issue with your blood sugar). I am not saying that I will stop eating it, it's too much fun! I feel like it is just important to be aware.
It is of my opinion that almost any thing in moderation is not so bad for you. I mean we have to live amongst our family and friends, right? And they are not always on the same path to health. (at least not my friends) The problem is keeping everything in moderation. And it is important to be AWARE and have all of the facts about what we are consuming. I guess it also depends on your goals. Are you looking for the ULTIMATE health? I would like to say that I am and that I am committed to it above all else. But that would simply just not be the truth. I would love to make that my top priority as long as it does not have negative effects on my relationships.
Believe it or not I have chosen a path of moderation. Even though to some people a 90 day detox seems pretty severe, I have been slowly building up to this for years. Experimenting with adding and subtracting foods and behaviors then checking out how they effect my life. I am not afraid of change. I welcome it actually (it's going to happen either way). What I am afraid of is bordom and fear itself.
Anyhoo, here is what I've been eating for the past week.
B12 and D3
6 chlorella tabs
Ormus Greens in water
cacao beans
green juice with love minerals and zeolites
chocolate hemp milk with maca, bee pollen, vanilla powder, and Sun is Shining powder
digestive enzymes
kelp noodles with tahini dressing, red pepper, and green onion
Day 45
B12 and D3
green juice with love minerals and zeolites
chocolate hemp milk
sprouted pumpkin seeds
creamy squash noodles with dill
digestive enzymes
Day 46
B12 and D3
chocolate hemp milk with maca
a big salad with tahini dressing
Day 47
B12 and D3
Zen omega 3 supplement
tea with coconut milk
cacao beans
green juice (same)
almond milk with maca, vanila powder, and coconut oil
more tea
8 chlorella tabs
2 nori sheets filled with a curried tomato and olive pate
Day 48
B12 and D3
loaded green juice
chocolate mint shake with spirulina
3 nori sheets with olive pate
lemon pie pudding
B12 and D3
green juice
7 chlorella
pie filling pudding
big salad
green crackers by Lydia's Organics
mac nuts
zen omega 3
Day 50!
B12 and D3
tea with coconut milk
Ormus Greens
cacao beans
angstrom magnesium
pomegranate juice concentrate
hemp milk with shilizit, maca, vanilla, and zeolites
green crackers
granola with coconut milk :)
Hi Dawn! Just wanted to say I love your blog! It is such a great idea to share your experience with others & I find it really interesting reading about what you're doing. It's inspiring!