Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Crack-cao, Day-44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50!

Seriously, has been 7 days since I have posted? My apologize, I just didn't want to keep repeating myself about how much I wanted to have a drink or coffee. I would have thought that the urge would have gone away by now!!! Any way, enough of that boring dribble, on to more interesting and important matters.
I have been hearing a lot of really bad things about crack-cao/cacao this week for some reason. I've heard some of this in the past but it seems to be more in my focus recently. Cacao is labeled a "super food" by some people. A super food is just a food that contains an extraordinary amount of nutrients. Most of these foods that I am referring to are sold and consumed in some kind of powder or liquid form. They come from all over the world, mostly from what we consider ancient societies. So they have stood the test of time. Examples are: maca, cacao, spirulina, goji berries, etc. David Wolfe wrote a great book called Superfoods, all on this subject. Of course he also REALLY pushes cacao.
Besides all of the wonderful life giving nutrients that cacao contains and delivers, it is still a stimulant. And when we ingest stimulants our body reacts to them as invaders trying to rid itself of a toxin. Our immune system kicks in, our white blood cells increase and the liver release glucose into the blood stream(not good if you already have an issue with your blood sugar). I am not saying that I will stop eating it, it's too much fun! I feel like it is just important to be aware.
It is of my opinion that almost any thing in moderation is not so bad for you. I mean we have to live amongst our family and friends, right? And they are not always on the same path to health. (at least not my friends) The problem is keeping everything in moderation. And it is important to be AWARE and have all of the facts about what we are consuming. I guess it also depends on your goals. Are you looking for the ULTIMATE health? I would like to say that I am and that I am committed to it above all else. But that would simply just not be the truth. I would love to make that my top priority as long as it does not have negative effects on my relationships.
Believe it or not I have chosen a path of moderation. Even though to some people a 90 day detox seems pretty severe, I have been slowly building up to this for years. Experimenting with adding and subtracting foods and behaviors then checking out how they effect my life. I am not afraid of change. I welcome it actually (it's going to happen either way). What I am afraid of is bordom and fear itself.
Anyhoo, here is what I've been eating for the past week.

B12 and D3
6 chlorella tabs
Ormus Greens in water
cacao beans
green juice with love minerals and zeolites
chocolate hemp milk with maca, bee pollen, vanilla powder, and Sun is Shining powder
digestive enzymes
kelp noodles with tahini dressing, red pepper, and green onion

Day 45
B12 and D3
green juice with love minerals and zeolites
chocolate hemp milk
sprouted pumpkin seeds
creamy squash noodles with dill
digestive enzymes

Day 46
B12 and D3
chocolate hemp milk with maca
a big salad with tahini dressing

Day 47
B12 and D3
Zen omega 3 supplement
tea with coconut milk
cacao beans
green juice (same)
almond milk with maca, vanila powder, and coconut oil
more tea
8 chlorella tabs
2 nori sheets filled with a curried tomato and olive pate

Day 48
B12 and D3
loaded green juice
chocolate mint shake with spirulina
3 nori sheets with olive pate
lemon pie pudding

B12 and D3
green juice
7 chlorella
pie filling pudding
big salad
green crackers by Lydia's Organics
mac nuts
zen omega 3

Day 50!
B12 and D3
tea with coconut milk
Ormus Greens
cacao beans
angstrom magnesium
pomegranate juice concentrate
hemp milk with shilizit, maca, vanilla, and zeolites
green crackers
granola with coconut milk :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Supplements-Day 41, 42, 43

As promised I would like to share some information about all of my current favorite supplements. There are so many great ways to supplement our diets, and so many very bad ways as well. In my opinion all synthetic forms of vitamins and minerals are 100 percent toxic and unrecognizable to our bodies. Our bodies do not know where to put them so instead of using them they are dumped in undesirable locations which cause a disruption to optimum health. Even many so called natural supplements contain toxic tagalongs.
It would of course be wonderful if we all lived the way nature intended, by growing and eating our own food and spending more time out doors in nature. But we don't, it no longer seems realistic. So the next best things are being conscious of what we eat, what it is, what it does in our bodies, and where it comes from. And unfortunately if we want to be as healthy as possible we must supplement.
Take care with what you put in and on your body, it is the only one that you have got. This to me is the ultimate form of love! Start to learn about these things, make it fun, enjoy the process and try not to be overwhelmed. Rome wasn't built in a day, and your health wasn't compromised over night either. I have been studying these things for years and continue to do so on a daily basis.
Instead of giving my own brief summaries of each item I will direct you to other sites where you can learn and/or order each item. I have found these places to be the most informative and very convenient and friendly to order from. There are also many other great sites out there besides these. Google is your friend! that is mostly how I find things, one thing leads to another.
This is a list of what I currently take with great success. Click on each item to learn more about them.
I apologize, but if for some reason the last 7 supplements listed don't link for you, I usually get them at Vivapura.net or Sunfood.com
Day 41
H20 loaded with MSM and celtic sea salt
tea with coconut milk
cacao beans
chocolate vanilla hemp milk
B12 and D3
2 "tuna" pate' filled nori rolls
masala Gobi (creamy spiced cauliflower and spinach)

Day 42
loaded H20
cacao beans
green juice with zeolites and Ormus Super greens
5 chlorella tabs
chocolate vanilla hemp milk with Sun is Shining powder and bee pollen
E3 Live
sesame veggie noodles
digestive enzymes

Day 43
loaded H20 with zeolites
chocolate vanilla hemp milk with maca be pollen and Sun is Shining powder
sprouted pumpkin seeds
sesame noodles
salad with tahini dressing (tastes like peanut butter)
digestive enzymes


Friday, March 12, 2010

Day-36,37,38,39 and 40

Has it really been that many days since I've posted? Sorry, I have been very distracted by some things not even worth mentioning. Some healthy and some not so much! Still rolling along well for the most part though. Still haven't eaten a salad even though I promised I would. Not so coincidentally my fortune on my YOGI tea bag string this morning said something about how my words mean everything. I'll have to be more careful about the promises I make.
Since I have been absent I will list my food today, Then tomorrow I plan on doing a whole post on supplements. Some people have been asking about things I eat or take. I will try to explain all of it tomorrow......Stay tuned!!!

Day 36
H20 loaded with MSM powder and celtic sea salt
B12 and D3
chocolate hemp milk
sprouted pumpkin seeds
8 chlorella tabs
Sesame-mixed veggie noodles with herbs (YUM)
tea with coconut milk

Day 37
loaded H20
B12 and D3
green juice with zeolites
coconut-buckwheat porridge
5 chlorella tabs
E3 Live
sesame- veggie noodles
cacao beans
yellow squash noodles with olives and tahini dressing

Day 38
loaded H20
B12 and D3
tea with coconut milk
cacao beans
5 chlorella tabs
chocolate hemp milk with Sun is Shining green powder
green juice with zeolites and Ormus Super Greeens
lime mousse (AMAZING)

Day 39
loaded H20
tea with coconut milk
E3 Live
lime mousse
12 chlorella tabs
2 nori rolls filled with mock tuna pate'
a few olives
a few macs
a bowl of Masala Gobi (recipe from Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine)

Day 40
loaded H20
B12 and D3
green juice with zeolites and Ormus Super Greens
tea with coconut milk
cacao beans
coconut lime "yogurt"
6 chlorela tabs
1 mock tuna nori wrap
E3 Live
a few cashews
Masala Gobi

Monday, March 8, 2010

Salad?-Day 33, 34 and 35

What kind of rawfoodist doesn't eat a salad at least once a day? They are so good for you, so tasty, so easy, and the possibilities are endless. That would be me. The one who craves fat and sugar. As you will see from my list of daily intake coming up, One day I ate chocolate pudding for breakfast. Now, one of the coolest things about eating a high raw diet is that you can still eat things like this without a pang of guilt. But I still feel like I could eat more salad. And even though certain brands of xylitol are allowed, I'm not sure that consuming a container a week is a good idea either. BAD, BAD example. I will vow to eat more veggies!
All this being said, I still have an abundance of energy and am sleeping very regularly. I've started to get more exercise as well and seem to have good stamina and flexibility even after a year with very little. Also my skin is soooo much more moisturized. Before I started this detox I was noticing my skin being so dry and icky. Even though I could double or triple my water intake my skin has seemed to improved. Every day I drink a green juice containing cucumber, celery, kale and a lemon. Cucumber skin has silicon which is excellent for helping retain the "juiciness" and youth of tissues, celery is great for digestion and kale has tons of minerals. All that without the youth robbing properties of caffeine or alcohol, I guess I could forgive myself for not eating more salad. Still ahead of the game.
I will share a really delicious salad dressing that I made last week. I got it from the book, The Raw Food Revolution Diet by Cherie Soria, Brenda Davis RD, and Vesanto Melina, MS, RD. It is a good book for delicious, raw, low fat options (if your into that sort of thing).

Sweet Dijon Dressing
1 cup peeled and chopped zucchini
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 tablespoons flaxseed oil
1 1/2 tablespoons minced red onion
1 1/2 tablespoons agave (I used xylitol)
1 tablespoons homemade raw dijon mustard ( I used a raw organic brown mustard)
1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds
1 teaspoon miso (use chickpea miso for detox)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 clove garlic, crushed
pinch of pepper

Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender.

Day 33
loaded H20
B12 and D3
tea with almond milk
green juice with zeolites
cacao beans
small handful raw peanuts
chia, spirulina porridge
broccoli pate' with seed "cheese"
2 nori wraps containing broccoli pate' and "cheese"

Day 34
B12 and D3
Ormus Super Greens in water
green juice with zeolites
raw chocolate pudding
kelp noodles with peanut sauce
digestive enzymes
cashew, coco- lemon pudding

Day 35
tea with almond milk
cashew, coco-lemon pudding
raw chocolate pudding
digestive enzymes
green juice with zeolites
a hemp, spirulina, chocolate-mint shake

I know, I eat weird. I'm single what can I say.
Any questions?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Scabs are ugly, a focus on healing-Day 30, 31 and 32

I was listening to a friend vent about her life when it hit me; scabs are really ugly, but necessary for a wound to heal. My point being that sometimes in life when things seem really bad, maybe even the worst ever, it is part of the process of healing. I once heard David Wolfe talk about how all of life is, ingesting, digesting (integrating), then excreting. This works for everything, eating and living. We are supposedly spiritual beings in human form. Our time here in this form is to learn and grow from our experience. Sometimes that learning process is VERY painful.
So in the midst of all of this supposed healing that I am doing, part of my detox symptoms may be the ugliness that I am witnessing all around me. The interesting thing to me is that I am not feeling ugly, inside or out. Not meaning that I am perfect, just that I see it as separate from myself. I feel like I have a choice whether to participate or not. For the FIRST time in my life I feel like I have a CHOICE! Now, I am not positive that it is the detox doing all of this, but I am pretty sure that it has something to do with the amount of strength and power I am building over my every little craving and desire. It is sort of like a parent not giving into a child who is crying for something they really really want at that moment. Every parent knows it would behoove them and the child if they just did the right thing and don't give in. It's tough to do the right thing sometimes, but honestly, it is getting easier the more I practice. COOL, huh?
I will actually give kudos to my former yoga teacher, Jason Schramm for teaching me about the concept of practice. I have found this concept very helpful in day to day living, it applies to everything. It takes the pressure off the final outcome and leaves the enjoyment of the moment. Thanks Jason!

Day 30!
not enough H20
B12 and D3
silica with marine phytoplankton
tea tea tea with coconut milk
cacao beans
green juice with zeolites
a hemp/cashew mint chocolate "shake" with spirulina added
radish slices diped in guacamole and "cheese" dip
a lemon pie filling concoction I invented (sooo yummy)
8 chlorella tabs

Day 31
not enough water :)
B12 and D3
2 mugs of tea
Ormus Super Greens
green juice with zeolites
cacao beans
chia spirulina porrige
a big salad with a new fat free sweet mustard dressing (mmmm, will share recipe soon)
2 handfuls of sprouted sunflower seeds by Go Raw
More lemon pie filling concoction

Day 32
green juice with Ormus Greens added and zeolites
cacao beans
chia porridge made with almond milk and spirulina
2 nori wraps with broccoli and cheese pate' filling
a salad
digestive enzymes

LOVE your day!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sorry Boys-Day 27, 28, 29

I wanted to apoligize ahead of time just in case there are any guys reading my posts. The first subject matter that I need to vent about is my period. To the best of my knowledge Periods are supposed to get lighter and less uncomfortable after some time of being raw. Apparently I have never been raw long enough to experience this seemingly glorious side effect. I am having a very heavy flow (as usual) and actually took Motrin for the pain (although not as much needed). Hoping things will lighten up a bit in the next couple of months.
As for what else is going on, I am actually pretty excited for the next couple of months. I haven't had one sip of alcohol or one grain of sugar or one sliver of fruit for 29 days. I had fully planned on drinking after all is said and done but or the past week have been asking myself the question, "why would I need to drink? I feel so much better". So maybe I won't, only time will tell.
Being truly sober and actually dealing with my life on a whole different level is pretty exciting in of itself too. As previously mentioned, things are changing, and hopefully for the better. But it seems that not everyone in my life is o.k. with that. I guess I can't blame them, it sucks sometimes when it's someone else changing your program. It sucks when you lose a friend (or so it seems) because they change or move on or make different choices. I am really seeing who my true friends are and why we are still so close after all these years. It also has allowed me to learn who I truly am and where I want to be. WHEW, who ever thought that FOOD could make such a DIFFERENCE in a life EXPERIENCE. It really does if your paying ATTENTION!!!
In honor of one of my oldest and dearest friends, Juliana, I am posting the recipe for Avocado soup. Juliana is not a raw food enthusiast by any stretch of the imagination. Her favorite food is BACON, ha. But the girl knows about yummy food and wanted this recipe. So here it is.

Avocado Soup
2 cups chopped cucumber with skin and seeds
3 medium ripe avocado, pitted and peeled
4 cups water
1 small shallot, peeled and chopped
2 large celery stalks, roughly chopped
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon orange zest
1 large handful cilantro leaves
1 tablespoon sea salt, plus more to taste
Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender until smooth. Thin enough to coat the back of a spoon but not hold its shape in a bowl. Add more water or salt as needed. ENJOY!

Day 27
silica and marine phytoplankton
D3 and B12
chia spirulina porridge
kale wakame salad
digestive enzymes
a handful of cashews
a few mac nuts
a few olives

silica and marine phytoplankton
Ormus Super Greens in water
cacao beans
chocolate mint "milk shake" with maca added (YUCK)
tea with coconut milk
green juice with zeolites and love minerals
digestive enzymes
a late night creation of guacamole, seed cheese and tomatoes on romaine leaves

Day 29
silica and marine phytoplankton
tea with coconut milk
Ormus Super greens
cacao beans
"fried" zucchini dipped in guacamole and seed cheese
digestive enzymes
green juice

Anyone out there? I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear from you!
